The Vision
Centre VR has a vision to provide school children and students of the region the ability to experience one of the most engaging forms of education that technology offers today – Virtual Reality.
The ability to transport students to a world where anything can be done is extremely powerful. Virtual reality can become a time machine. It can place students at the very heart of an event in any time period, immersed in their surroundings. Gravity can be controlled, a vacuum created, space travel, and travel around the world can be accomplished in seconds. The possibilities are endless.
Centre VR can also help students to learn about the technology behind VR, showing the possibilities it offers for the future.
We can provide examples of how the modern business world has truly embraced the technology.
Many universities around the world, including Bournemouth University, offer courses on how to create virtual reality titles using specialist software.
Centre VR is working with the leading, publicly listed, award winning, and most famous innovator in the sector – Immersive VR Education.
The Apollo 11 and Titanic VR experiences are two of their very best educational titles that we showcase. The company has also developed ENGAGE. This ground breaking platform offers teachers the tools required to create their own VR lessons, in a similar way to creating PowerPoint presentations. These lessons would be far more immersive and memorable, and a true shared experience across a whole class. Remote speakers can be introduced, and the company hopes to organise famous and recognised leaders in various topics to guest within Engage in the future.
Centre VR is pleased to be one of the few locations in the world able to offer entire classes of 30 students the opportunity to share a lesson in VR together using this platform, in many venues.
Centre VR uses the very best VR technology available. We are always working with HTC, Meta and Pico, to ensure students receive a state of the art visit. Centre VR has more high spec PC’s to run in-depth games, adventures and experiences that can’t fully load on stand alone headsets.
Our comprehensive communications systems includes wireless audio only headsets that allow teachers to freely walk around the participating students, watching their activities on the surrounding monitors. Although the students may be immersed in individual titles, they are all able to hear each other, as well as the teachers, allowing full instruction and interaction to take place in a lesson.